Tuesday, August 15, 2006


is my birthday!

that's right, 38...

no, not 28, Jozzie!
I've got 10 years on you... ;)

i'm happy about my age
the years
the emotions
the good times
the bad...

it has all come together to make me

I am me
i love being me...

today is my day!

still full of anxiety
but that is NOT going to take away my day.
it's not.
it can't.
i won't let it...

it's up to me.
and i choose

to enjoy my day.

I'm going to post this, then jump in the shower.
Heading to Barnes and Noble to buy myself a birthday book.

Then I'm going to explore Lexington a little bit.
Drive around, start to see things in a different light.

This may end up being my temporary home.
Or it may just be a nice vacation.

Either way, I want to see Lexington while I'm here.

At 1pm I am getting a massage
from a man named Hans... {big smile}

Lisa and Kevin are giving that to me for a birthday gift.

Which reminds me.
They gave me a funny birthday card.

The front just has a b/w photo of evergreens covered in snow.

the inside reads:
"so i called mavis to tell her i
got eight inches last night and,
of course, the bitch claimed she
got nine."

i love that my friends are just as nasty as i...

potty humor
sexual humor
it's all good.

which reminds me of Sunday
when Maddie and Paige kept
talking about "potty words".

they're adorable.
and well behaved.

they wouldn't SAY any potty words.
but they got just as much enjoyment
if not more,
from saying the phrase "potty words".
and giggling.
and giggling.
and making me giggle.

{happy sigh}


At 8/16/2006 10:50 AM , Blogger ~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

9 inches?!?! I thought it was knee-high!!!!

At 8/16/2006 12:20 PM , Blogger ~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

Yeah, but how long did it last?!?!?!

At 8/16/2006 12:20 PM , Blogger ~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

I'm having FUN with this post - can you tell?

At 8/16/2006 12:31 PM , Blogger Rene said...

And I am having even more FUN reading your comments!

You always brighten my day, dollface!!! xo


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