Thursday, March 01, 2007

Bad days...

What is it with certain days?
The ones where you just shouldn't have gotten out of bed...

Work was complete hell this morning.
Mind you, my boss has been a very close friend of mine since we were 5 years old.
But today she's PMSing...
And things haven't been going that well for her lately at work.
Today was the day to process the month end reports,
"margins", she calls them.
There were problems...
Some stuff that we definitely could've caught earlier on.
Some stuff that I just don't understand yet, so I didn't do everything correctly.
Which I hate!!!

Then, a truck driver comes in and asks to speak to Tammy (that's my boss).
He seemed normal and in a good mood.
Then he prefaces his conversation with
"I don't want this to sound rude..."
OK, guess what... that means you're planning on being rude!!!
And boy was he!!!
He wouldn't let her get a word in.
He had some bad repairs done at a truck stop in another state.
The repairs were bad, so they told him to go to the nearest location.
Guess where that is - yep, our location...
So, last night he came in.
Mind you, the original location found out we didn't have what was needed to make full repairs... but they sent him anyway???
So, when he arrived at our location last night and was told we couldn't do full repairs, he was FURIOUS.
But, he saved his fury for Tammy.
He kept asking her what was going to be done.
She told him we had done our best.
He kept yelling at her to "stop talking about the past!"
So, she asked him what he would like us to do.
He had no answer.
He was going back and forth between sounding normal and completely INSANE...
I was about to stand up and tell him he needed to exit the premises.
But I knew it would've been bad customer service...
But oh my.
Nuts, I tell you, completely nuts.

He finally left, after telling Tammy that she is incompetent,
the worst manager he's ever seen,
and that she has no idea what is going on in her own shop.

So, none of that was very helpful...

I feel badly for her...

And then the margins were just NOT coming together.

I felt partially responsible...

So I stayed to help.

Which made me run late.

I forgot I needed to get gas.

And I needed to stop at home to get my books.

My class is 35 minutes away. I had 15 minutes to get all of that done and get to class.

So, I'm missing out on the review for our final exam.

It'll be fine. But it's not the way I wanted things to go. *sigh*

Oh well. So many people have things so much worse than I.
Not to mention, I've had things worse than this!!!

So, I figure I should end this with something that makes me smile.
A picture of my nephew, Evan...


At 3/01/2007 11:28 PM , Blogger ~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

OMG! He's grown so much! What a handsome boy! That did make me smile!!!

Mission accomplished!

But sorry to hear about your day. So sorry about Tammy too. This probably didn't help her margins and PMS. :)

At 3/02/2007 8:28 AM , Blogger Theresa Tyree said...

Well, you know the old saying, "when it rains, it pours" and "Murphy's Law". I remember my college days. I ran out of gas once. The only time I ever ran out. It was about 25 feet away from the gas station. Close enough to walk (blessing) but not close enough to put the hose in the tank (frustrating) so I had to buy a stupid jug and walk it over to the car, then start my car and drive it over to the pump to fill the rest of the way. I missed a big chunk of class but I figured better late than never!
Don't give up on your dream. It gets better.
BTW- your nephew is a dolly! Love those cheeks!!


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