Tuesday, February 13, 2007

For granted

I guess we don't realize what all we take for granted in life.

I was reminded of this several times in the past few days alone...

I want to buy oil paints for a Valentine's gift.
There is nowhere in this town to buy such an "extravagance"...

I want to look at Franklin/Covey planners and see about getting myself one again.
There is nowhere in this town (or even within an hour) to even SEE them.

I was looking for chai tea this weekend. Not necessarily a particular brand, but I was looking for the kind that is creamy and more like what you get at a coffee shop. I already had some tea bags that make a basic spiced tea. I went to 4 stores before I could find what I was looking for. In fact, the first three didn't even have the tea bag type...

I grew up here, in this very small town. And I've been back for more than 4 months now. But I'm still amazed when I can't just go and get *anything* on a whim!

So all of this makes me think of other *things* that we may take for granted... health, friends, having a job, a roof over our heads...

Especially in this winter storm, consider those who don't have a warm place to sleep...

I'm thankful for so much.


At 2/15/2007 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. I've packed up my scrapping stuff a time or two, only to drag it out again piece by piece.

Sometimes you need a break - the journal with favorite quotes sounds like a great idea!

At 2/21/2007 6:16 PM , Blogger ~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

I had Chinese food today and my fortune cookie said,
"To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have."

I know you're not upset.....but wasn't that a good one?

I know I have been cleaning all day and I was wishing I had a cleaning lady. But you reminded me at least I have a house to clean. :)


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