Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Waiting Game...

Today's blog challenge on STM is to write about how we handle anticipation. Do we like to wait?

Well, this is a good one for me. (Way to go Jozzie - always making me think!!!)

Up until about a year and a half ago, I was THE most impatient person you'd ever meet. Not so much in a bad way where I'd drive you crazy, but I would get so excited about things and it would make ME crazy! But the past year or so of my life has taught me so much patience. But do I like to wait? Generally, no. But I've learned how to put my mind at ease about things and focus on something else until I get my answer or whatever it is I happen to be waiting for! And for the times I can't put my mind at ease, I have a friend or two I know I can call for some advice and distraction. =)

I do love waiting to get something in the mail. In fact, I prefer mail order to shopping at stores because it's so much fun to get something in the mail. And there are times when I basically forget about what I'm waiting on, and when it comes it's almost a surprise!!! Love that!

One kind of waiting I do not love is waiting for medical test results!

But overall, waiting for good things can be fun.

PS - Today is T minus 12 days before I head home. But I may end up staying one extra day now. But that is by choice, so it's ok!


At 9/05/2006 5:52 PM , Blogger Nancywithajones said...

not me I have like 0 patience esp if im like in pain rofl
but then again WHO DOES..I use distraction alot that is why IM on the computer so much.. IF I hurt Im really online alot to get my mind off it.. guess that makes sense huh


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