Monday, September 25, 2006

My Daddy...

Today's blog challenge by Jozzie is entitled "Who's Your Daddy?". She challenged us to write about the man in our lives and said if there isn't a special someone, to blog about another important male in our lives.

Well, I've been unlucky in love... So, my "daddy" is literally my Daddy!!!

My dad has always been there for me. I was an only child until I was 8 years old. I was disciplined, but also spoiled. My dad wanted to give me everything he could and I think he probably hoped I'd be a boy. I've never been made to feel like I wasn't the right gender, BUT, I was the only girl I knew who had a full-size model train set, a race car track, and a motorized electric car in 1972... At the same time, I had every Barbie I could ever want. And my dad built me Barbie furniture to match my own bedroom - painted with the same paint and all. (My mom sewed the bedspread and canopy for the bed.)

But more than the material, my dad has always supported me. This was never more obvious to me than the past couple of months. I was trying to make a tough decision of whether or not to move to South Carolina. I kept this secret from most people because I didn't want any influence from people who I felt might pressure me with their own opinions. The very few people I told were those who would just listen to my thoughts, present a few points that I might not have considered, and support me when I made the decision ON MY OWN. My dad was one of those people. At the same time, he made sure that I knew that if I needed more time before moving I could stay with them. And once I moved and felt like it wasn't the right place for me, he talked to me whenever I needed to talk, and let me know that I was more than welcome to come home and stay with them as long as I needed.

I know my dad doesn't agree with all of my choices. But I also know that he will always be there for me. And that's what's important.

BUT... as much as I love my dad, I will admit right here and now that I would love to have a chosen "Daddy" to blog about!!! =)


At 9/26/2006 9:55 AM , Blogger ~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

GREAT write up! I love your daddy too! I think that was way cool that you had all the cool boy toys (HAH!) and Barbie stuff to match your own bedroom. Give your daddy a hug for me!

At 9/26/2006 12:52 PM , Blogger Chelsea said...

If it wasn't for our daddies,we would have never had a chance to be someone's little girl.
I heart your daddy for you too!

At 9/29/2006 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sweet Daddy you have!

I had totally forgotten about the canopy bed I had! My grandmother sewed curtains and quilts for my bed. She made clothes for my Barbies that matched the clothes she made for me! I loved it! If she made something for herself, she would make the same thing for only the grown up Barbies. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!


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